Spirit Wear Has Arrived

Spirit Wear Has Arrived Thank you to everyone that supported our Spirit Wear sale.  We sold almost 300 items with tie-dye being the most popular by far.  Items are being delivered to school on Monday so watch backpacks this week for your order.  If you have any questions once you receive your order, please contact…

Library Volunteers Needed – Readers Needed This Week

Library Volunteers Needed We need volunteers for our Kindergarten through 3rd grade classes to read aloud stories and to assist students in finding books. This is a great opportunity to volunteer with your student’s class and the students love having guest readers. Please sign up to volunteer at https://signup.com/go/VXdGiYX . Additionally, we are looking for…

Charleston Wrap – Orders Due Today, October 4th

Dear Parents, Our most important fundraising campaign of the year is ending TODAY, 10/4/2019 and we need your help now! All catalog order forms should be returned to your child’s teacher TODAY, October 4th. (Late orders will continue to be accepted with a HARD cut off of 10/8/2019) Haven’t had time to get involved with our fundraiser yet?…

Science in a Bag 2019

Science in a Bag Dear Parents and Guardians, The Science in a Bag program is about to begin at Ames School. The program is an excellent opportunity for children and parents to interact academically and increase your child’s scientific literacy. Take the time to enjoy this positive learning experience in the comfort of your home…