Ames Family Night With The Chicago Wolves – Due Today Wednesday, March 20th

AMES SCHOOL FAMILY NIGHT OUT WITH THE CHICAGO WOLVES SATURDAY, APR. 6 AT 7 PM VS. COLORADO EAGLES Come out and join Ames school family and friends for a night of fun at a Chicago Wolves hockey game. The choir will also perform right before the game starts. Everyone who attends will receive a free…

Artist in Residence – Volunteers Needed!

Ames Parents/Guardians- I am excited to announce that this year’s Artist in Residence* is Spudnik Press.  Spudnik staff will be at Ames THIS Friday, March 15 for a kick-off assembly during students’ lunch periods. If possible, please make sure your child stays at school for lunch on Friday. Spudnik will return NEXT WEEK to teach screen…